Friday, April 11, 2008

Do you have a dream....?

Not as in a "when your sleeping" kind of dream, but a "this is the purpose of my life" kind of dream? Like, a passion? I'm feeling kind of down lately because I don't think I have one :(

I don't know if someone is trying to tell me something or what, but recently I've been watching a bunch of movies or shows and reading books that involved someone having a dream/goal for their life and pushing through all obsticles to achieve those life goals and dreams. Like the movie, "The Persuit of Happyness", or the movie I just watched last night, "Get Rich or Die Tryin'" the story of rapper 50 Cent. There are others, I just can't think of them right now, but lately that's been the theme of pretty much everything I come in contact with, lol. Even my 14 yr olds are planning for their future in school right now by choosing classes and exploring careers (Can I come sit in on some of those discussions?!!)

My whole life so far has been about my kids. Which,I'm NOT complaining at all about! I love it and I wouldn't take anything back or change anything about my life. I'm approaching my 33rd birthday (YIKES!) and I feel like I now need to "do" something, "be" somebody other than "mommy". I know for certain that I'm done having kids and now I need to find out what I want. I was pregnant as a Senior in highschool and my mind was not on finding a career for a while. I put "me" on the backburner, and unfortunately I think that's where I'm still stuck.

I see all these people with passions, and dreams and life goals and I honestly feel a little envious (yes, I know, it's a bad thing to be envious!)of all of them. I feel that I want to be excited about towards something in life. I kind of feel like I'm cheating myself, like I should be doing more, you know? It's not about the money so much as it is about the fulfillment of it. Although, money would be good :)

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