Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Earth Day!!!

With all this nice weather, I really haven't been on the computer much (plus my father is away for the week so I have the week off from work!!). But, that's a good thing!

Hailey and I frequently take walks to the end of our road, which is a mile down and a mile back. We TRY to go every day. As we walk, Hailey always notices the garbage on the side of the road and she got the idea in her head that she wanted to pick it up on Earth Day. She had this big plan, and has been looking forward to it for a very long time! Well, yesterday was Earth Day and of course she woke up extra early so we could go pick up trash, lol. So, we get our bags and our gloves on at 8 a.m. and start our two mile treck down the road.

We ended up with two full bags of trash!! It was fun (as fun as picking trash up can be, lol) and we talked a lot about saving our Earth and ways we can help make a difference. She learned some good life-lessons yesterday :)

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